Scrum master and TMAP: monitoring quality in cross-functional teams

In the fast-paced world of app software development, speed is of the essence. But what's the point of getting things done quickly if we're not taking care to make sure they're of the best quality? This is where our wonderful Scrum Master comes in! As the keeper of the process, he makes sure everything runs smoothly. But how can we make sure that quality isn't lost along the way? And that's where TMAP (Test Management Approach) comes to the rescue! In this article, we'll show you how the scrum master can use TMAP to make sure that testing and quality are firmly embedded in the scrum process.

schedule 9 sept 2024
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The quality role of the scrum master

The scrum master is responsible for guiding the team through the Scrum process, removing obstacles and – very importantly – monitoring quality. This means that testing should not be an afterthought, but an integral part of every sprint. With TMAP on their side, the scrum master can ensure that testing activities are planned and executed from the start.

TMAP: testing as a fixed value in the backlog

In any sprint planning, it is crucial that testing activities are explicitly included in the sprint backlog. This is where TMAP proves its value. By adding testing tasks, such as risk-based testing, to the backlog, you ensure that every new feature is not only built, but also thoroughly tested.

Practical tip: Make sure test-based user stories are in your backlog by default. The point is to always make room for quality testing, just as you make room for new features.

The power of continuous testing

During the sprint, it is the scrum master's job to ensure that testing activities are not skipped when the pressure increases. TMAP allows you to create a detailed testing strategy from the start of the sprint, so you know exactly which tests need to be performed and when. This prevents rushing at the end of the sprint.

Practical tip:

Use the Daily Scrum to discuss not only the progress of development tasks, but also that of testing activities. This way, you keep quality under constant scrutiny.

The VOICE model of TMAP

TMAP uses the VOICE model: an approach that helps to clearly define and measure quality goals. For a scrum master, this is a useful model to set clear goals for the team during the sprint. It helps you ensure that your entire team – from product owners, developers to software testers – focuses on the quality of the product.

Practical tip:

Introduce the VOICE model during your sprint planning and use it to determine which quality criteria are important to the team and to stakeholders.

Sprint review: not just for features, but also testing

The sprint review is the moment when the team shows what has been built. This is also the perfect time to share test results. Show stakeholders not only what new features have been delivered, but also show how thoroughly they have been tested using TMAP. We may not be entirely objective at Testlearning, but test results are just as important as the code itself!

The scrum master as quality controller

In a Scrum team, the scrum master is responsible for keeping the process running smoothly, but just as important is monitoring quality. Using TMAP as a guide, the scrum master can ensure that testing is an integral part of every sprint, that quality is always at the top of the agenda and that your product is reliable, even under pressure.

Want to learn more about how to use TMAP to ensure quality in your team? At Testlearning, we offer the e-learning TMap® Quality for cross-functional teams to further expand your knowledge and help you deliver both speed and quality. Start today!