Pyramid testing: what is it and how does it work?
There are a lot of different test design techniques. Each technique has its own benefits and goals. Pyramid testing is one of those techniques. In this technique, the base is formed by unit tests and the top is formed by system tests. This provides a powerful structure for balancing your tests. In this blog, we'll tell you all about it!
What is pyramid testing?
The idea behind pyramid testing is simple: imagine your testing strategy as a pyramid. The base is formed by unit tests, followed by integration tests in the middle, and at the top are the system tests. The shape of the pyramid shows you how much of each test you need: a good amount of unit tests, a smaller number of integration tests and an even smaller number of system tests.
Read tip! The definition and examples of Test Design Techniques
How does pyramid testing work?
Imagine the pyramid. The broad bottom base, those are your unit tests. With these, you test the smallest pieces of your software, such as functions or methods. Above that, a little less wide, are the integration tests. These tests check how well different parts of your software work together. And finally, the peak of the pyramid, that's where you'll find the system tests. These tests look at the performance of your software as a whole.
The test in practice
Now you may be wondering, why all this emphasis on unit tests? Here's the thing: unit tests are the foundation of your software. If this foundation is not solid, problems can arise. But by running a lot of unit tests, you lay a strong foundation on which you can build further.
Moreover, it helps you detect problems faster. Suppose an error occurs during a system test. It may then take you a while to find the source of the problem. But if the same error is discovered during a unit test, you can detect and correct it much faster.
You can also learn more about mutation testing or code coverage testing!
The benefits of pyramid testing
- Efficiency: Because the base of the pyramid consists of unit tests, which can be performed quickly and inexpensively, teams can achieve a lot of coverage with minimal resources. This makes the testing process much more efficient.
- Faster feedback: Unit tests and service tests, which make up the bulk of the testing pyramid, can be run quickly. Thus, you can detect any problems earlier in the development process.
- Better coverage: This form of testing has better test coverage than other techniques because of the different levels of the pyramid. As a result, all aspects of the application are tested, from individual features to the entire user experience.
- Improves code quality: Unit tests, the foundation of the testing pyramid, ensure that you as the developer need to write your code correctly and properly testable. This often makes for better-designed, more modular code.
Pyramid testing as an asset in your testing strategy
Pyramid testing is a great asset to your testing strategy. The test provides structure and helps you create solid, reliable software. Moreover, this form of testing is efficient and has excellent test coverage. Want to know more about this? In our e-learning TMap Quality for cross-functional teams, we go deeper into this test form(s).
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